The mission of the CSM International Institute for Professional Advancement (IIPA) is to provide high quality educational programs in the areas of energy, minerals, materials, and the environment to working professionals from around the world.

Customized education and training programs are delivered on the CSM campus in Golden, Colorado, USA and at other sites throughout the world. Program duration may range from one week to one year or more, depending on the needs of the client. The clients for the programs typically include multi-national corporations, ministries of foreign governments, and other governmental agencies.

Course formats include educational programs customized for individual clients. Courses are instructed, in English, by faculty members of the Colorado School of Mines and other experts in their respective fields.

The IIPA also provides administrative and logistical support for the conduct of international conferences, seminars, and workshops.

Areas of Specialty

Given the wide range of technical expertise resident at the Colorado School of Mines, courses in the following general areas may be created and customized to meet the academic requirements of IIPA clients:

  • Petroleum Engineering
  • Geology
  • Geophysics
  • Economics and Investing
  • Mineral Exploration, Production, and Processing
  • Mine Safety and Health
  • Petroleum Refining and Gas Processing
  • Mining and Minerals Policy
  • Metallurgy
  • Materials Science
  • Heavy Metals Recycling
  • Environmental Monitoring, Maintenance, and Remediation
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • ISO 14000
  • Organizational Structure


The instructors of the IIPA programs are typically faculty members from the Colorado School of Mines, either full-time, adjunct, or emeritus. When appropriate, the instructional cadre may be augmented by experts from industry and government, or by independent consultants with specialized expertise.

Recent Experience

In cooperation with the Iraqi Ministry of Oil and Chevron, the IIPA completed both a Feasibility Study and a Phase I Study for a proposed Basra Petroleum College to be located near the city of Basra, Iraq. This project is ongoing.
Though an agreement with the Institute of International Education (IIE), the IIPA conducted four long-term customized programs for working professionals from the Waha Oil Company (Libya) in the areas of petroleum engineering, geology, geophysics, and advanced drilling. A total of 26 individuals participated in these courses, which were offered on the CSM campus.
Since 1996, nearly 300 professionals representing various companies and oil fields of the Chinese petroleum industry have been awarded Certificates of Completion from short courses offered by the IIPA on the CSM campus. The courses, with durations from two to six months each, addressed a wide range of topics in petroleum engineering, geophysics, geology, economics, environmental policy, and corporate management.
Working with our partner, Alrakiza Training, the IIPA conducted a number of one-week short courses in Tripoli, Libya, for working professionals from a variety of national petroleum companies, international oil companies, and Libyan government agencies. Course topics ranged from reservoir engineering to advanced drilling techniques.
Through an agreement with the Egyptian Ministry of Petroleum, a series of technical short courses was delivered by CSM faculty members to working professionals from the Egyptian petroleum sector. These courses, typically consisting of three one-week classes, addressed topics in petroleum engineering, geophysics, and geology, and the courses emphasized teamwork, practical projects, communication, and technical presentations.
CSM has submitted a proposal to a major Indonesian mining company to bring ten employees to the CSM campus for a one-year customized program in technical mining techniques, as well as leadership and management skills.
Individuals from the Kuwait Institute attended a customized educational program on Enhanced Oil Recovery Techniques on the CSM campus in 2008.
The Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas sent four faculty members to CSM for a customized educational program in multidisciplinary approaches to teaching petroleum-related subjects.
The IIPA recently entered into a partnership with a consulting company in Singapore to present a one-week course on Natural Gas Processing in Singapore.  This is envisioned to be the first of a series of courses to be offered in Asia.

Further Information

For additional information concerning the International Institute for Professional Advancement, please contact:

IIPA Director
Office of Special Programs and Continuing Education
Colorado School of Mines
Golden, Colorado 80401 USA

Phone: 303.279.9232
Fax: 303.277.8683

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